bool(true) What are PDF files and why do we still rely on them?

What are PDF files and why do we still rely on them?

Did you open PDF this week? Most likely, you regularly work with them. Although some other types of files disappear into obscurity, PDFs are still a popular choice. Have you ever wondered why this is so? Let's look at how PDFs work, why they are so important, and why they are still so popular.

PDF - stands for "Portable Document Format", which means "Portable Document Format." Created by Adobe, it was first launched in the early 1990s as a way to fully save a document in a single file. Since the Internet was still young then, they were mainly used for publishing documents for printing on the desktop. Companies used PDFs to save posters, flyers, and other similar files for physical printing.

Adobe Acrobat was not easy to get, PDFs did not have all the integration features they do today, and using dial-up to download large PDFs was very slow. A few years later, Adobe released Adobe Reader for free for everyone, and eventually, PDF knocked out several competitors to become the file standard for fixed documents. Interestingly, PDF was originally a proprietary format, which means that Adobe controls PDFs and how they function. In 2008, they abandoned this ownership, and PDF became an open standard. Now PDFs still have a basic set of properties, but they are not dependent on Adobe. You can find dozens of other free PDF readers.

How PDF Files Work To understand why PDF was such a revolution when it first appeared, we need to understand what this standard was at the time. In the early 90s, professional software used to create graphics and documents led to unbearably large files, especially when images, fonts, and other graphic elements were embedded in them. Remember that machines at that time had a tiny fraction of the computing power of the computer you are using today, which means that every bit of efficiency was vital. To fix this, software developers started using links to other resources on the computer. Suppose you used a special font in your document. Instead of saving all the data for this font inside your document, he pulled out the necessary information from the font installation folder on your computer. This reduced the load on the document file, making it easier. This will work fine if you do not move the font to your computer. However, if you brought the file to another computer that did not have your specific font, this would not look right. You can imagine how much time you spent creating an important document, and then it began to look just awful because you did not save links to graphic elements. PDF has changed that. Adobe found a way to assemble all parts of the file and turn it into smaller ones. Obviously, this is much more efficient than the workarounds that the developers used before the PDFs were introduced. And so PDF has become the standard.

Why they are so important Portable PDF format is of great importance: PDF files look the same no matter what device they are viewed on. Regardless of whether you use Windows 10, Mac, Chrome OS, Android, Windows Phone, iPad, or Windows XP - on any software and hardware, the PDF files remain unchanged. The information contained in the PDF file does not depend on the device of the creator or viewer. The inclusion of fonts, pictures, diagrams, etc. is not a struggle for PDF. Compare this to sending a Microsoft Word document. What happens if your recipient does not have Microsoft Word on his computer? Of course, they can open it in Google Docs, but the document can be very different since Docs processes files differently. If you spent a lot of time creating tables, images, and other elements in the correct order, all of this could exit the window. So what if they try to open a Word document on their phone? As a rule, PDF files are intended for viewing. What you see when you click “Save” is what someone else will get who views the document. And you don’t even need to install the program - most modern browsers open PDF files without any problems. Although you can edit PDF files, you are limited to a few options if you don't pay for premium software such as Adobe Acrobat, Foxit PhantomPDF, or Nitro.

Why They Are Still Popular In addition to the portability described above, PDFs have several features that have contributed to their continued popularity. First, PDF files let you configure security settings. When you create a PDF, you can disable the ability of viewers to print